Internalized Florida Man
Welcome, to the eleventh episode of season three of the Hayden Squared Talk Show. We have a very wonderful, and very long episode for you, but you should definitely stick around as this is 100% one of our favs thus far. We have a guest, Jersy Stinson [https://bit.ly/3BHB73a] and we do an interview with her about her love of theatre & such. We have a movie review over Signs [https://g.co/kgs/UpSjaa] and a Top 5’s over Disney Movies. As well as, Urban Dictionary & Random Tidbits. Hope you enjoy it!
Find it everywhere here
The Rantings of a Couple Lunatics
So this is the tenth installment of season three of the Hayden Squared Talk Show. We have a nice little episode this week that we hope you enjoy because we certainly did. Hawkins does a movie review over “Escape Room” [https://g.co/kgs/j6uoeX] which he rated a 7.9/10. Renaud does his third ranking of musical songs. This week he ranked every song +2 minutes long from “Waitress” [https://g.co/kgs/vXmoT5]. We of course have our usual segments, Urban Dictionary and Random Tidbits. We wish this episode was a highdea.
We All Blamestorm
We’ve made it to the ninth episode of season three of the Hayden Squared Talk Show. We have a pretty simple episode this week. Hawkins does a movie review over “The Woman in the Window” [https://g.co/kgs/d84VnL] which he rated an 8.5/10. Renaud does his second ranking of musical songs. This week he did the top ten “Hamilton” [https://g.co/kgs/Txa83W] songs. We of course have our usual segments, Urban Dictionary and Random Tidbits. Happy National Idaho Day! Also, stop blamestorming!
Where to Find the Latest Talk Show Episode Info/Links
IT HAPPENED! We are now at 100 subscribers! Thank you all for everything!
Store Bought Buttercream & Lin Manuel Miranda
In this eighth episode of season three of the Hayden Squared Talk Show we go on about random things like frosting types and Lin Manuel Miranda. Renaud creates a somewhat new segment of musical soundtrack songs ranked, with this episode discussing “Dear Evan Hansen” https://g.co/kgs/BvVoLB. Hawkins also does a movie review of a long awaited movie “Arrival” https://g.co/kgs/4ewPVq
Wanna be a guest?
We love having guest on our podcast, it creates growth, spices things up, & is fun all around. If you want to be a guest or would like to in the future, PLEASE reach out to us. Here are a few "reaching out" options: message our Instagram @haydensquared, message us on FB Messenger, email us at hello@haydensquared.com, text us at (573) 612-1134, leave a comment on one of our videos, text/talk to one of the hosts, or leave a voice message on our podcast distributor.
Updated Season 3 ARCHIVE
Every Season 3 Episode in one place with YouTube and Spotify embeded with the descriptions all right there at your fingertips. Season 3 graphics & playlist are also right there for you!
A collection of new art we've made for HAYDEN SQUARED in general and for season 3 of the podcast.
Switch to Anchor.FM
We switched to a new podcast distributer and hopefully you haven't even noticed. We had to do a test, and it was bongos, and the results are still inconclusive if everything has worked perfectly. The new podcast page is anchor.fm/haydensquared. There are a few new features that we haven't figured out yet, but may come in the future. Including: listener support, messages to us through Anchor.Fm, ads & sponsorships in our episodes, and a merch button. If any of this happens well be sure to keep you posted! -HAYDEN HAWKINS, HAYDEN SQUARED
I just found these on our Spotify for Creators page and thought they looked cool. But trust me they aren't anything but a picture. (I spent about an hour trying to figure out how they play our episodes, well I guess I'm dumb and they are just pictures)
An Interstellar Interview
In this seventh installment of season three of the Hayden Squared Talk Show we have a guest, Brody Light. We interviewed him about his new song “Mr. Sheeran,” himself, and how he made the song (https://linktr.ee/Brodylightmusic). We also do a movie review for “Interstellar” (https://g.co/kgs/YJzbgU) which we rate a 9.7-9.999… We also do a Top 5’s on ice cream flavors.
A bit about me:
I play tennis 🎾 I love the theatre 🎭 & I'm an artist 🎨
My favs:
TV Show (Top 3) - Stranger Things, Arrested Development, & Grey's Anatomy
Movie - Interstellar
Food - Something Chicken
Fruit - Pomegranate or Pineapple
Color - Sunset Orange
And now, a couple things about me:
I do cross country, theatre, & choir. No emojis on mine. I'm a rebel, I know.
My favs:
TV Show - Parks and Recreation
Movie - Frozen
Food - Pizza? I don't know, but I really like food.
Fruit - Pineapple
Color - the pretty shade of Magenta